Saturday, 27 March 2010

Home Remedies for Asthma

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Asthma is a condition that affects the respiratory system of a person. When one has an attack, the airways swell and make air passage through them difficult. As a result, asthma symptoms are felt and they include; wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. Asthma disease has no cure and thus prevention is the only sure way of controlling it.

Asthma is a condition that affects the ways of an individual. The air waves swell and make air passage a problem. This is as a result of a trigger to asthma condition. Symptoms for asthma varies from one individual to another. The most common symptoms of asthma are coughing, wheezing and running out of breath. Some people complain of chest pains too.

Types of Asthma:

There are two types of asthma.

1. Extrinsic - Extrinsic asthma is the most common type of asthma seen in asthma patients. Extrinsic asthma develops due to allergies and allergens.

2. Intrinsic - The cause of intrinsic asthma can be traced to respiratory tract infections. Asthma also has categorizations based on the intensity of the disease.

Causes Of Asthma:

1] Family inheritance is one of the causes of asthma.

2] Environmental pollution too is a cause.

3] Cold weather also causes asthma.

4] Smoking is yet another factor for causes of asthma.

5] Pollen too is another rare factor that causes this condition.

6] Sex can also be a cause of asthma. This is because it involves vigorous exercise at the time.

7] Viral infections, fungi, molds, cause asthma to some people but not all.

8] Vigorous exercise such as running, swimming, can cause asthma.

Symptoms Of Asthma:

The most common symptoms of asthma are coughing, wheezing and running out of breath. Some people complain of chest pains too.

Among these signs and symptoms include the faster or noisy breathing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing and coughing.

Treatment Of Asthma:

In general, asthma treatment can be divided into two categories: systematic long-term control and quick-relief symptom medications. Long-term control medications must be taken each day as part of asthma treatment. This kind of asthma treatment regimen is primarily designed to control the inflammation of the airways. Quick-relief medications can provide effective asthma treatment by relaxing the bronchial smooth muscles, and combating acute asthma attacks.

One natural asthma cure is the natural therapy that aids in managing the asthma condition. A negative response to emotional stress may cause asthma attacks. To relieve stress, some natural relaxation remedies can help such as biofeedback, guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation and deep abdominal breathing.

Asthma treatment involving medication can be taken orally or through inhalation. The most common asthma treatment method involves metered-dose inhalers, or MDIs.

One asthma treatment strategy involves anti-inflammatories which prevent blood vessels from leaking fluid into the airway tissues.

Other effective asthma treatment involves using the air conditioner, replacing carpeting with hardwood or tile, using leather or vinyl furniture rather than upholstered chairs and sofas, and replacing down bedding with bedding made with synthetic materials. Keeping the humidity low can be another asthma treatment strategy.

Asthma homeopathy is an alternative asthma treatment method. It aim to use natural and non-invasive methods to cure asthma. That means no use of drugs such as aspirin for asthma attacks.

By naturalremedies

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